• Roorkee College of Engineering
  • RCE Roorkee
  • rceroorkee
  • Best College of Engineering
  • Roorkee College of Engineering


Holistic Quality Education

At RCE concerted efforts are made to impart a holistic education to students moulding a genre of well integrated personalities, equipped with a spark of modernization and a will to conquer. Holistic education aims to call forth from people an intrinsic reverence for life and a passionate love of learning. It is concerned with life experience, not with narrowly defined "basic skills”. It proposes that educational experience promote a more balanced development of - and cultivate the relationship among - the different aspects of the individual, individual and the other people, individual and the natural environment, the inner self of students and external world.

Core qualities

  • There is concern for the interior life, for the feelings, aspirations, ideas and questions that each student brings to the learning process. Education is no longer viewed as the transmission of information instead it is a journey inward as well as outward into the world.
  • Holistic education expresses an ecological consciousness, it recognizes that everything in the world exists in context. This involves a deep respect for the integrity of the biosphere, if not a sense of reverence for nature.
  • It is a worldview that embraces diversity, both natural and cultural. It shuns ideology, categorization, and fixed answers, and instead appreciates the flowing interrelatedness of all life.
  • It is an education that recognizes the innate potential of every student for intelligent and creative thinking. It is child-honouring education, because it respects the creative impulses at work within the unfolding child as much as, if not more than, the cultural imperatives that conventional schooling seeks to overlay onto the growing personality.
  • Thus, holistic education is essentially a democratic education, concerned with both individual freedom and social responsibility. It is education for a culture of peace, for sustainability and ecological literacy, and for the development of humanity’s inherent morality and spirituality. Sagacious competence
    Freedom (in a psychological sense).
    Good-judgment (self-governance).
    Meta learning (each student learns in their own way).
    Social ability (more than just learning social skills).
    Refining Values (development of character).
    Self-Knowledge (emotional development).


The college career centre is a magical place on campus that's solely dedicated to assisting students with the pursuit of internships and careers after graduation. While it may vary in title, the college career center typically offers resources, events, job postings and advice during the academic year. In my business, we work with more than 70 career centres throughout the United States. Often, the dedicated staff in these departments sees similar trends when students make the transition from college to career.

Here are the things that college career counsellors wish every student knew:

The career center exists. 

  • Statistics vary among campuses, but in general, the majorities of college students do not visit the career centre nor participate in any of its events during their academic career. This is a shame on so many levels.
  • First, most students go to college so that they can be employed after graduation. Not checking out the center dedicated to supporting this goal is the same as paying for a class and never actually attending. You may be one of the few people that can ace the test without ever seeing the material, but most of us need at least a little preparation to pass.
  • Second, there are literally thousands of career options regardless of your major. Your career center is the easiest way to at least gain some exposure to different options.
  • Finally, employers who specifically target college students for internships and careers usually interact via the centre. If you want to know what companies and industries really need your skills, start with the ones who are choosing to recruit on campus.

Counsellors know you are new at this. 

  • When I ask students why they didn't take advantage of an on-campus session about résumé advice, for example, their avoidance often boils down to fear that they will be judged. When you take your first foreign language class, no one expects that you will walk in speaking the language. You are there to learn.
  • The same is true for many of the programs offered by your career center. The staff – many of whom are students themselves – recognize that this process is new to you and are happy to start at the beginning. It's better to try out things with the career center than with an employer the first time you apply for a job or get asked to interview.

Professional skills take practice to develop.

  • Most of us are not born knowing how to write a résumé, search for open positions or interview expertly. These skills are different than the ones required to succeed in a classroom and require training and practice. The earlier you start attending "Meet the Firm" events, job fairs and mock interview sessions, the more time you have to build confidence interacting with business professionals.
  • Again, remember that these are safe-to-learn environments, where a little preparation will go a long way when it is time to really land an internship or career.

Students must take responsibility for their professional development. 

  • Just like no one can take your classes for you (we hope), no one can sit in an interview for you, either. At the end of the day, you should care the most about your life after college.
  • When you take responsibility for seeking out opportunities to learn about different job options and how to compete, you have the best chance for success. Of course, your family, teachers and even the career center staff would love to see you do well. However, you have the most on the line and should direct your efforts accordingly.

Excellent networking can make the greatest difference in jumping ahead professionally after college. 

  • Yes, being a great student can be helpful. And yes, being pleasant and attending every event can give you a huge advantage. But few things can have an impact like developing relationships with employers and learning how to leverage them. This is networking. If you start early in college and get to know employers that come to campus and the companies and businesses you are targeting, you have an outstanding chance of moving to the front of the line when it comes time to interview.
  • This won't guarantee that you will be hired – you still have to be an ideal employee. However, moving through the interview process is a critical piece of getting hired. A good network can do wonders when a résumé alone may make you look like just another applicant in the crowd.
  • Career centres offer a variety of events to help their students make successful transitions from college to career. Some such activities include résumé-writing workshops, panel presentations on careers in a certain industry, job fairs or simply in-person meetings to discuss how to look for a job. The key to remember is that the career center is a safe place to start your professional development.