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  • rce roorkee
  • Roorkee College of Engineering, Roorkee


Alumni FAQ

What is this website all about?
It is the official website of RCE. It is one of the several initiatives of Roorkee College of Engineering Alumni Association. RCE Alumni Association aims to bring the entire alumni community together through this website.

How can I register/login?
We encourage you to login/register through college website.

How secure is my data?
The complete database is secured using industry standard security protocols. No user can access the data without appropriate permission. Information like education, employment etc is public but personal information like your email ID and mobile number is private by default and nobody can see that information without your permission.

Can I contact members on this website?
Based on your role with the college you will have permission to contact alumni.

What are the benefits of becoming an RCE Alumni association member?
There are a handful of benefits as mentioned in Member benefits page. Please note RCE is your alma mater and each one of us have made several friends during our student years and the membership provides you an umbilical-cord back to the Institute and provides you with an ID card that allows access to the Institute and a handful of facilities inside the institute campus. With your membership you can network further and be able to attend all RCE events among other things. It is time to give back to your alma-mater in various ways.